Thursday, May 28, 2009

Paige Getting Soooooo Big

So Paige is just growing like a weed, I think she must be having growing pains (and teething pains) at night because she is just having the hardest time getting to sleep when she is soooo tired....She has been pulling herself up to stand for over a month now and her new thing is to grab onto the "lovely child gate" at the top of the stairs and she laughed over and over as she held on with one arm then fell to the ground...."Great!"I thought, at least she isn't crying!
We went to the zoo today and she shrieked at the goats and tried to pet their fear! I was scared they would bite of her little fingers....but she wasn't! I Love her fearlessness, it's so amazing and enlightening to see. This is that innocent in awe time that children lose so easily....Charlie already has fears of our house burning down and who knows what else, he secretly prays about his fears when we aren't listening...and NO I do not have the news on when the kids are around...I even HATE the news, it is so depressing and fear inducing!
Anyway...back to my lovely children....Paige was completely belly laughing cracking up at Charlie as he just laid next to her smiling at him, I love their relationship, she absolutely adores him, and with good reason, she can completely and already see the amazing light that he is. I just love my kids.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My First Blog

Well, I figured EVERYONE else is doing it....why the heck don't I have a blog yet??? Besides the fact that I usually talk about what's on my mind and most people around me know what's going on in my life, I thought this would end up being neat for the I am mostly going to talk about them.

I started a journal with Charlie when he was born (skipped out on the actual "baby book") called "Letters to Charlie..." and I kept it up nicely until July 13, 2005. How awful is that!? So much has happened since then , do I go back in and post-date entries so it doesn't look like I left out the last (probably most significant) 4 years!!!!

And I have yet to start Paige's, even though I insisted Kris get me a new journal for her, so far EMPTY.

So, maybe I can begin anew here and print these out and paste them to the journal pages, haha.

Here goes nothing....